How many t-shirts with howling wolves on them do you own?

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Why? You envious? Coveting is a sin you know.

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I bet you smell of cheese.

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I was curious,

I looked over your posts.

I almost feel sorry for you.

It must hurt a great deal.

Yet, it is your choice.

Which is why I do not feel sorry for you.

No one makes the choices for you.

You choose anger, pain, and loneliness.

Narcissistic delusions of grandeur breed mockery not respect,

Contempt not fear.

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Tell me more.

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Cheddar is better.

Cheesecake is grand.

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Any and all laws must necessarily be imposed by force, as those who deny that Might Makes Right will be stripped of the privilege to make any laws in the first place.

Your relationship to God precedes your relationship to the state and to war, but it doesn’t exclude it. If people weren't willing to die for their beliefs, you wouldn't have inherited them in the first place. War is the natural state of a Godless world. Peace must be imposed by force.

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I am speaking directly and only to the Laws of GOD.

My only reference to laws of the state are, that state-secular and spiritual -church should be separated. See the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

As for secular rules - laws, those are a separate issue to the spiritual. An believer in GOD will place primacy to GOD as a matter of course.

The two are separate things.

Yes, All laws, in the secular realm are imposed by force. Without exception.

The Spiritual laws, the LAWS of GOD, are entirely voluntary.

Not imposed or enforced by the secular in ANY manner.

GOD grants FREE WILL. We choose, GOD also, grants mercy, in terms of the spiritual consequences.

However somethings, involve physical -secular consequences.

Those things, the physical, are resolved in the physical.

Call it Karma, consequences, cause and effect, justice, whatever.

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1) Separation of church and state is a myth, created only to deny God's laws to manifest through the state. There's no separating church and state because those who go to church vote and engage in politics. Whether their church is the synagogue of Satan or the church of God is a different matter.

2) I was chosen, not by my own will, insofar as I can tell. My conversion was imposed on me by forces too powerful for me to deny. And, as a subject of God, I'm compelled to enforce God's laws.

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Glad YOU,

Are neither judge, ruler, or GOD.


You deny free will.


You imply some authority to impose your will via force.


I believe in free will,

I am not of your Creed.

I would be duty bound to resist ANY effort by you to enforce your Creed upon me OR any other living person, unto death.

My duty, to GOD, requires that I resist you as well as any Secular -temporal entity's attempt to usurp the Sovereignty of GOD Almighty.

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You failed in resisting your secular, Enlightenment philosophy of free will and separation of church and state. Who are you really fighting for?

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No one you know.

YESHUA Ha Messiach, Ha Shem.

Sh'ma Yisra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.

Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.

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You're a Jew?

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