Why do any believers in the GOD of the Bible think that the law of GOD can or should be imposed upon anyone by force?
Obeying GOD is a matter of individual choice. Period.
Believers obey GOD due to the believers personal relationship with GOD, pure and simple.
GOD, gives ALL of us free will, freedom of choice.
In trying to impose GOD'S law via force, through secular power,
Doesn't that remove freedom of choice?
Doesn't that usurp free will?
Isn't that raising secular power above GOD’S decree of free will?
Didn't YESHUA state that HE did not destroy the Law, but rather, HE fulfilled the Law and that HE would write GOD'S law upon the hearts of Believers?
Obeying GOD’S law is the result of relationship with GOD, not the fear of punishment by secular authority.
Therein lies the root of my belief in separation of Church and State.
The Spiritual and the Secular.
I, am not GOD, I have no right to try and force GOD'S laws upon Anyone.
Nor, does Anyone have the right to try and impose their version upon me.
The State , The Secular is Not GOD, nor is the State a god.
GOD, does not require, HE does not need the secular authority to impose HIS law period.
GOD Reigns, not the secular.
GOD is The Moral Authority, not the secular.
It is my belief, that anyone that tries to use the secular powers to enforce GOD’S laws, is NOT Serving GOD. YESHUA called such, the Synagogue of satan.
Pharisees, Sadducees, those that obsessed over the image of the law while disregarding the heart of the law.
As believers, we are called upon to obey the secular laws of the lands we live in, so long as those laws do not contradict, violate, GOD’S laws.
We are called to be, separate from the world, obedient to GOD.
We are not called to conquer the world and impose GOD'S law.
We are called to bear witness of GOD, to be living example of HIS mercy, Love, Healing, Truth.
That is done by example, not by force.
My references:
The Entire Bible.
How many t-shirts with howling wolves on them do you own?
Any and all laws must necessarily be imposed by force, as those who deny that Might Makes Right will be stripped of the privilege to make any laws in the first place.
Your relationship to God precedes your relationship to the state and to war, but it doesn’t exclude it. If people weren't willing to die for their beliefs, you wouldn't have inherited them in the first place. War is the natural state of a Godless world. Peace must be imposed by force.