Cool analogy. Much to think about.

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I see where your going here. Here's my thing so Jesus is my Shepard right, so that in mind that's why I'd rather be a sheepdog than a wolf. The sheepdog is loyal. Warns the Shepard when one needs help or is in danger and can blend in and protect the herd when a predator gets too close. I heard it discussed in that respect and it's stuck. I can be a bit of a lone wolf and it's more fun for me as a human to be helpful instead of ferocious sometimes.

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I would say that my Wolfhound was merely an overgrown snuggle muffin for 99.999% of the time.

She raised kittens and human babies.

That .001%of time however only occurred if one of her "babies" was threatened.

When the strange dude tried getting in my truck. ( 4 yr old) My son was napping in his car booster seat. I was paying for gas in the service station.

Sionan removed most of dudes hand.

The police matched the piece in the E.R. dude got charged and convicted of attempted theft, etc.

Point is.

She was gentle goofy loving and fierce.

All the herd dogs I have been around had very different temperaments.

There's Sheepdogs, that herd the sheep. Wolfhounds that guard the sheep and wolves that eat the sheep.

The Shepherd is master over all three.

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Breeders will say they are or not? And hopefully be honest.

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Depends upon the breeder.

You can tell by Eye.

If the Adult Wolfhound is built like an overgrown whippet, it's AKC standard.

If the Adult Wolfhound looks like a shaggy cross between a wolf and Mastiff,

It's historic standard.

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Do they make good pets? What about crossbreeding with a similar sized dog to make a better dog (if necessary)? I don’t know their temperament.

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Sionan had her own cats.

Great with kids. Super smart, loyal, protective yet gentle.

She was Not a pet. Sionan, Irish Wolfhounds are companions. Full grown they still try to be lap dogs.

The only caveat is,

When provoked, protecting, they only calm down when it is dead.

You cannot train them as " protection" dogs. Then again, you do not need to.

The saying is, gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked.

Do Not get an AKC standard Irish Wolfhound. Look for a historic standard.

The difference is like the difference between an akc German shepherd and a Shiloh Shepard.

Temperament, health, life span, are good with historic standards. Akc standards, bring short unhealthy lives.

Just like the Displasia that akc standards caused in American German shepherds.

I detest the akc as much as I detest PETA.

Both bring severe harm to animals.

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The AKC did it to golden retrievers too.

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They ruined most breeds.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

I agree. Goldens are members of the family. The most recent one we has was such a ham. Would sit there and stare at you until you got off his couch. He was 85 pounds and took up the whole thing it was hilarious. He'd be sitting there just big dogging ya and chest bumping while tossing his nose up in the air until you got up. I couldn't let him sleep on the bed bc he was so big he'd just push you off or fall asleep at your feet but you'd end up without room. It was hard to get mad at him bc his hip hurt him and he had a tumor that I'm still convinced came from the lawn guy- who was cool and would tell us beforehand but sometimes I'd still have to scrub his paws bc they turned blue almost but not in I dyed my dogs hair kind of way but I'm scared to death my dog is going to get cancer way. He lived 15 years though. Sounds your daughter had a loyal companion and good for that puppy for doing that. I hope he got a pound of bacon when he got home.

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I’d rather be a coywolf (that’s a real thing). A hybrid mostly evenly split between coyotes and wolves, with about 10% domesticated dog which gives them a lack of fear around humans. In Chicago, they have learned the passenger train times. They use the tracks to get around the city, but only at night. They are other cities, too.

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I used to live in New Mexico.

Quite familiar with what you describe.

I also had an Irish Wolfhound.

She could run down and destroy the coyotes, hybrids with near impunity. Sionan massed at 175lbs.

Wolfhounds can hit 40mph at an all out run.

They can also rundown a coyote and leave only pieces.

They can also run down and break a deer's neck.

Sionan brought a couple home. After getting out of the gate.

Sionan, my last Wolfie, once eliminated a pack over night. I lived in Cedar Crest, in the mountains next to Albucrazy.

By our gate we found enough pieces alone , to assemble four Coyotes.


My point is, I, would rather be a Wolfhound.

As it is, I am merely a hairless murder monkey.

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Mar 13Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Slaughter whore you 🤣

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