Look into Edward Bernays if you haven't heard of him. I think a lot of people exaggerate how bad he was though. I mean I'm not a huge fan but I don't think he was just the epitome of evil either. And it doesn't follow that we should all subscribe to Frankfurt School/radical Islamist anticonsumption from the fact there are advertisers using psychology. Just be like Marie Kondo: keep what gives you joy. Except unlike Marie Kondo: You mean to keep 30 books on the nightstand, right?

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I am familiar. The Overton window is an annoying portal to hell.

The spectrum runs from George Lucas and Star wars , Jim Morrison and the Doors, Salvador Dali and Alice Cooper, Robin Williams to the absurd and all the way into hell.

JUNGIAN Mechanics is like Quantum mechanics.

Used one way you get Hiroshima and bombs, used another you get Treatment for cancer and warp drive.

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