Jan 14·edited Jan 14Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

As i have learned while preparing for the zombie apocalypse "you cannot eat gold and silver."

Skills, tools and barter goods will be of the most value in any short term "grid down scenario" or the beginning of a long one.

That said, in a very extended GDS, the "prepared" who have stored gold and silver, will have a means of barter and trade available. Ostensibly, the hope is that a rudimentary system of trade and currency could be established.

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deletedJan 14
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Real goods, skills, knowledge,

Will always have value.

Skills, knowledge cannot be stolen.

As for spoilage.

How did they do it in the Neolithic?


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deletedJan 14
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There was extensive trade networks, barter was the system.

Food preservation was also common. Money did not exist. In the zombie apocalypse, abstracts like gold, will have no value, no practical use.

And yes, there wAs war in the Neolithic. And Mesolithic. From the evidence, humans are the most efficient murder monkeys.

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deletedJan 14
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Women, fermented drinks, mushrooms and wacky weeds...

Plus aggression.

Horny Stoned murder monkeys are us.

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deletedJan 14
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