Mar 22Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I was an unhappy camper as a child. Mainly unhappy with my mother, who never cared about me. Literally. Long story. But, when I reached my teen years, I got so angry at God that I alternately did not believe and was thoroughly not happy. But I faked it for my grandmother, going to church, never discussed my beliefs and feelings with anyone up until that point. Then I joined the Navy, and decided to start believing again. I was still lost, not spiritually, but just generally, not knowing how to feel about everything (other than the Bible). Thankfully, the Navy had the Chapman’s Religion Enrichment Organization, aka “CREDO”, Latin for “I Believe “. At that point, only a few years after a chaplain in San Diego started it, they hadn’t yet strayed from their supposed mission. This was 1987 (when I got to my first ship). The group therapy meetings I had really helped, but not enough, because I didn’t know how to phrase my feelings. I still could use 1 on 1 therapy, and someone at the VA will talk with me if I set up an appointment. I do have a psychiatrist, take the Luvox, which greatly helps. Greatly Bigly Largely.

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Have you heard the Song, Believe, by Savatage?

If not I think you might relate

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Not yet. They were one of those early thrash bands. Making better money doing Christmas music 🤣

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I have been a Savatage fan since 1979, when I first saw them.



That " Christmas music" grew out of their 1990s albums. Well worth checking out.

Excellent lyrics, musicianship,

And performance.

I have been a fan since they thoroughly trounced my band in a battle of the bands back in 1979.

Chris Olivia was a monster on the Guitar, Jon Olivia on keys and lead vocals.

They are from Tampa.

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My mitsake. I thought they were early thrash.

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If you ever need someone to talk to, dm me. I will give you contact info

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Mar 22Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist


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Mar 22Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I like the scientific explanations, but primarily only as a wanna be physics nerd. I don’t need it to confirm what I believe.

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Cool. I wrote it in answer to my cousin asking me, why I believe.

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Faith cometh by hearing.

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Once I grasped the meaning of the words, and began to understand, I believed.

That was my process. From being raised in it, to falling away, to returning.

My personal journey and testimony.

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