Apr 27Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

My wife has just been doubly back stabbed and lied to, cheated and had her job ripped out from under her and given to a supposed “good friend” by an absolute monster of a human being who is the General Manager! She is devastated to say the least and having an extremely difficult time dealing with the abuse, betrayal and sudden lose of income!!! This message comes at a very difficult time for us and is much needed! Thanks for your poignant words and inspiration!!!

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GOD bless you and keep You, Your Wife and Family.

Ain't my words.

I am just a guy that reads HIS book.

He has the answers there.

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deletedApr 28
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I am not saying to ignore Evil. I am saying focus on acting. Not fear. Not hate.

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I am not saying to close ones eyes to evil.

I am saying to focus on the healing, the good.

Many get trapped in a trauma loop obsessed on the evil.

Break the trauma loop.

Instead of pointing at the wound, and declaring how awful it is, look at the wound, see what you can do, make bandages, clean the wound, care for the wound, heal the wound. Focus on Healing.

Instead of obsessing on the horror of hunger,

Focus on feeding the hunger.

Far too many freeze in place, far too many try and avoid dealing with the evil,

I am saying,

Deal with it.

Step up, act,

Holding protest signs does nothing but create the delusion of doing something.

Don't talk about it,

Actually get involved.

The Good Samaritan did not wail about the evil, the good Samaritan simply did what he could with what he had to help heal the man.

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deletedApr 28
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Not true.

Years experience as EMT, Search and Rescue, and military.

The ONLY way to help, is forget everything but the job at hand.

3 types of people,

Those who stand stare and point, Those that run away and those that run towards the fire.

Everything I read in the Bible says, GOD wants us to run towards the fire.

We can't put out the fire by not getting involved.

Being involved requires taking the risk.

" Greater Love has No One than This, that they lay down their life for their friend"

YESHUA repeatedly said, to take up the Cross.

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deletedApr 29
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Dealing with evil, with folks in need are Always emergencies.

That's the thing.

Crisis is the natural state of the world.

Entropy is the rule.

We are here to a purpose.

To tend GODS creation, to deal with the consequences of entropy.

Each need, is critical, each breath can be our last.

Yesterday is gone, cannot be changed, tomorrow may not come, there is only now, to act.

There is only the need, the work, before you, now.

Love, compassion are Actions.

Most evil comes from inaction.

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