Interesting essay, especially on the influence of Celtic myths loved this. I'm a Christian but can feel and sense that you are right about a great deal of the pagan influence over it.

Also really like you commenting on the links between cowboys & SW and those of the ancient Celtic myths. I wonder if you might not consider dabbling in the myths of Tolkien & Howard, and how they might have Celtic links?

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Tolkien himself references the Celtic influence. Cymraeg influenced Tolkiens Elvish languages.

As for Howard.

Crom, is derived from an Irish god. Conan is the name of an Irish hero. Robert Howard being of Scots-Irish descent derived much of his works from Celtic sources.

I myself am a Christian btw.

The Pagan influence is undeniable.


Modern Christianity keeps an entirely pagan calendar. From the months, to the days of the week.

Also, modern Christianity , ( outside of Messianic Christians) observed not one Biblical holy day.

Not One.

No Passover, Purim, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Rosh Hoshana, or even the Sabbath.

Granted, those have nothing to do with salvation by grace.

My point is that pagan traditions have prevailed across the board.

Something neopagans, leftists and their ilk seem as ignorant of as most Christians.

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Howard was of Irish descent also, but yeah enormous influence.

But yeah, they all seem ignorant of these facts, and I remember pondering the very same thing, but now I think there's a reason those holidays prevailed. It is interesting that so many do not seem to notice this fact.

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