Jun 28Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Trump is only the Usher of the DC collapse. The Democrats are correct that it’s the end, then again if PT Barnum can collapse a National Capitol, it was finished already.

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Going to disagree about the other gods, they were not narcissists in the stories that's a subversion/deconstruction, most of them are fairly noble and valiant in contrast to the psychopathic Loki.

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My primary point is,

Loki never laid accusations that were not factual.

The gods didn't like that.

Loki exposed their failings, and mocked them with it.

Maybe vanity is a better word than Narcissistic.

Loki worked to his agenda, which he concealed.

Modern Loki worshippers try to portray Loki as a savior type.

( That's a whole other discussion!!!)

Just as the right portrays Trump as a savior, while Trump pursues his agenda.

Over all, the gods were noble, for the most part.

Even so, they had short comings.

I was broad stroke painting a very fragile analogy.

Soo, your criticism is on point.

One thing for absolute certain. Trump is not a Christ like savior. My stomach roils thinking of the idea.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I always thought of Loki as being like the Joker from the Dark Knight movie, and the Aesir in a favourable light. Certainly they have their flaws, but they tolerated his insults well until he started murdering them (notably Baldr).

That said, yeah seems Trump is one of the narcissists and the others hate him for pointing out their flaws as you said. I must admit my stomach turns also, I do agree with you Donn, I do not much like him either.

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In my analogy of the Aesir and the corruptocracy:

Some Aesir are more , human shall we say, than others.

Just as our corruptocracy has a few , noble, members. Overall, it is the failings of the Aesir that bring Ragnarok.

Loki is as much a product of those failings as he is progenitor of destruction.

Trump fits with that aspect rather well I think.

I do like your association of Joker with Loki.


What does it say about us , that Trump is the leading candidate?

It's rather depressing.

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It is indeed, I shan’t help but think you’re fortunate though, up in Canada we have naught but the choice of one of 2 Ricimers.

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Better Ricimer than Anthemius! Lol.

Or Euric.

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Jun 29Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Nah they're better than Ricimer, Ricimer literally sabotaged the Empire and left it unable to do anything. Not that they were much better being buffoons and all, with Ricimer not only incompetent but malicious and determined to wipe out his own Empire.

Ugh, either way we're all screwed.

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