Jan 20Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

An apt melding of Mythos and Prophetic Warning - idolatry of Self over all leads to destruction.

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Thank you.

Myths are morality plays aren't they?

An awful lot of examples of what not to do.

Consequences can bless or hurt.

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Jan 20Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Ah, Megiddo Blues is how you responded to Sublimation. Sublimation was based on the Israel-Palestine war originally. I was thinking, these two groups are probably doomed to kill each other, ugh.

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It really feels like a literal take on Old Testament prophets.

Israel and the Arabs seem to be using the Prophets as a blueprint/ how to manual .

Megiddos blues is a name I came up with for songs of the apocalypse I write.

" Megiddos blues infect the lands, Megiddos blues feed thirsty sands, "

From the Valley of Megiddo, where Armageddon happens.

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The death of Baldur was because Loki, disguised as a woman, managed to get Frigg to confide in him what Baldur's weakness was. He then took a thorn of mistletoe and make a dart out of it which he had Hodr, Baldur's blind brother, throw. It hit Baldur in the heart and killed him.

Later, in the Lokasenna when Loki is drunk and spills the beans that he was the one behind Baldur's death, that's what breaks all bonds with between Loki, the Aesir and the Vanir gods.

Loki's hubris began when Odin tricked Fenrir into accepting bondage thinking it was a game. Odin's fear causes bad blood between he and Loki but where Loki had one son bound, another tossed to the sea (Jormangandr) and the third banished to a realm all her own in Niflheim (Hel), Loki escalated his need for revenge by having Baldur killed. That sends him to Hel (The Realm) to be seated at Hel's (the goddess) table. Those two alone (The Fear and Hubris) are enough to make that connection but the real similarity is that the world is destroyed by fire (From Surtr's flaming sword) but Ragnarok is a cosmos-breaking event as Yggdrasil is broken and Yggdrasil holds all Nine Worlds.

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At the root.

The serpent gnawing at the roots.

Hubris of the Gods, arrogance, fear, greed, lust, envy, narcissism.

None of Lokis tricks would have held any weight, were the Gods not guilty of the weaknesses.

Lokis "accusations" would have been groundless.

As for Loki.

What drove him?

Envy, resentment, greed, lust, self importance, again, narcissistic traits.

Ragnarok is a tale of the death of the old world, and the birth of the new.

"In Ragnarök, the end of the gods and earth is not everlasting. The newborn earth rises from the sea once more, green and glorious. The sun bears a new daughter as beautiful as herself and she now

guides the course of the sun in her mother's stead. All evil is passed and gone."


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It seems you’re spot on.. again.

Are we heading for the exit with the doors barred? Ragnarok will be coming

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Nice horrific metaphor?

The trick is, not being in the building when they lock the doors.

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