Apr 4Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Excellent post.

I would predict many of those initial deaths - within a week - would be from the suicides of those thrown into fatal depression spirals over loss of digital lives/social media.

Not to mention those SSRI addicts, that will spiral, when existing stockpiles are exhausted.

While there's no way to prepare for/prevent this type of event, you can (as you pointed out) prepare for the aftermath. One thing that can be done is learn to be comfortable with discomfort. This is a skill our ancestors not only understood but lived- one that has all but been erased in todays screen tapping, soft doughy societies.

If the thought of voluntarily subjecting yourself to being cold, hungry, thirsty, sleep deprived or devoid of tech, then you have a higher risk of perishing, than those 3rd worlders, who live that way on a daily basis. Likewise many of us vets have been through one or more survival schools/training courses and are - on the whole - mentally primed to deal with total loss/failure better, because we've experienced it multiple times.

As with most things, we have created the circumstance of our own demise and when it happens will blame anything and everything else, for it.

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We will be hoist up on our own petard.

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Apr 4Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

We finally have woven enough evolutionary rope to hang ourselves.

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Apr 3Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Too pessimistic. You forgot cannibalism. At least 75% of cannibals would survive.

I’m ☘️ so I get to say this.

See 1847.

Stop being so negative and look on the bright side.

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Why, Always look on the bright side of life....

Of course.

And with enough Texas Pete anything is edible so...

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™️🎵🙃Always look on the bright side of life…🎵

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Apr 3Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

This is a very realistic and humbling take. Even if you’re a gun owner and you have a garden then you could cut your leg on a fence while going out hunting, and if you don’t have antibiotics then you might die.

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Apr 3Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Well, should we have to rely on the 30-and-unders, we’re done!

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Leave the world behind

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Theologically speaking, the sign of the rainbow was given after the flood to signify that God would never allow a massive depopulation event to occur. However… a regional EMP, caused by natural or artificial causes, could be a possibility. In which case one could hope that humanitarian efforts would help feed people and keep them alive but many would have to journey on foot to get out of that region, and realistically the average person today wouldn’t survive a week or two long hike. Any number of things could go wrong. The rioting and looting is only one problem, but a big one.

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There are events described by the Prophets and in Revelations that look a lot like a Coronal mass ejection.

Regardless, we have a big comeuppance coming.

Revelations lists horror after horror, and that's not including the antichrist.

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Apr 3Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

The more research I’ve done into Daniel and Revelation the more I’ve started to think that we’ve been misinterpreting it all. I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if Jesus suddenly returns and that’s it. That’s the Parousia, the Second Coming, and the recapitulation of the whole universe. It’s like we’re going full circle back to Genesis, with the Tower of Babel being the internet. And women’s reproductive rights is basically the original sin all over again. Only someone who believes themself to be God can justify murdering their own baby.

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I stopped thinking of the Bible as two separate testaments. I now view it as one singular narrative.

And yes, Yeshua did say " as it was in the days of Noah...'

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