Feb 16Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Man I do like a rant that goes hard.

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I am seriously annoyed. I blame warning labels!

If not for warning labels natural selection would deal with this; gestures wildly, spilling coffee.

Instead idiots have proliferated, and we are knee deep in idiots, flat earthers, commies, and various actual nazis.

Used to be the idiots removed themselves.

Then we had to interfere and put warning labels and create OSHA and safety briefs and uugghhh. I need more coffee.

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Feb 16Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

God damn right. Slap your chest when you say that.

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He's got me chest thumping as I read that! I love it! Get em Donn!!

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Read this from my feed from Jessica J’s comment, and then read author’s comment referencing flat earthers, which is one of my favorites — I have a classmate from one of the national military academies (which requires all students to take what equates to an engineering minor no matter what major you take), who became a military helicopter pilot after we graduated. She has been a hard core flat earther for quite a number of years now (no longer in the service). It is an endless source of amusement for us.

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You are joking right?

Please be joking. Please...Oh GOD make it stop, make the Stoopid stop it hurts so bad!

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Oh, if only I was :)

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That's some Aldo the Apache energy that I love!!🔥👏👏

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