Jun 24Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Things look really bleak, but we are at the intersection of ages and historically it has always been a time of upheaval. We were put here at this time to stand for God in the face of unimaginable evil. And so we stand and we pray.❤️

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Actually, that is not my position.

My argument is not :

“not voting for evil, promotes evil.”

One should not over simplify another’s argument for the sake of making it easier to argue against it.

But we can still break it down into simple terms if we do it logically.

There is no such thing as a candidate who does not have evil in them, because there is no such thing as any human being who does not have evil in them.

I am speaking from the point of view of God‘s economy of things.

That is what Christianity teaches.

In the Primary election, before the first time Trump was selected to be the Republican candidate, before the first time he was elected president, I voted for someone else.

But more people voted for Trump in the Primary, the greater evil.

Logically, It was people voting for the GREATER evil that got us to where we are.

One cannot win a battle by refusing to fight because they do not like the choice of weapons.

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Choosing which wolf to feed the sheep to is not choosing a weapon to fight against the wolves.

Personally, I would choose a good stick, a spear, a sword, an axe, a Sheepdog, to protect the sheep with, not debate about which wolf will make the sheep suffer less or kill the least number.

I am not advocating refusing to fight. I am advocating not participating in the corruption period. You cannot oppose evil with evil, you cannot oppose injustice with injustice, you cannot defeat the enemy by becoming the enemy.

There can be no compromise with evil

As a Christian, I am abundantly aware that Yeshua is absolutely clear about that.

HE, would never condone feeding the wolves period. HE would protect the sheep.

We are on this mess because of compromise, playing the devil's game with the devil's tools.

As a believer, I want nothing to do with the devil's tools.

How often have Good candidates, with good intentions, Integrity, honor, compassion been ignored or shut out simply because they were not the chosen shills of the corruptocracy?

Where have third parties ever been given any true access or coverage?

Buying into the lesser evil scam changes nothing and only reinforces the corruption.

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I understand your position and I am sympathetic toward it.

But looking at the issue logically, one less vote for the lesser evil is one less vote against the greater evil.

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Sorry. Lesser or greater evil is still evil.

So your argument is, not voting for evil, promotes evil.

My position is,

I refuse to endorse evil period.

The false premise of voting for the lesser evil has resulted in what we now have.

Immorality, amorality, in government. A government that exhibits no honor, no integrity, no compassion.

A government that ignores the law, ie, the Constitution.

Government agents that responds to the public that raises issues of constitutional limits, by attacking law abiding citizens , false arrests, accusations etc.

So ,

See what voting for the lesser evil gained us?

We the people voted for evil.

We the people endorsed evil.

We the people must demand candidates , of integrity, honor, compassion.

Instead of political partisan meat puppets of corruption.

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Why don't they put your entire life on display and see if you would get a vote?

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My point is, because of how it operates, those with honor avoid the evil. The left commit crimes then accuse the right of those crimes while the right does the same.

People with even shreds of honor, are attacked, lied about accused of treason , ie Tulsi Gabbard.

No change will come until the people value integrity, honor, compassion above convenience and parties.

How did the vulture rise to power?

Because, we the people empowered it.

Until our cultural values over all change, we will only get more and worse evil.

As for me, I am a sinner, guilty of My wrongs, I do not propose myself, because, despite my failings, I have enough integrity to know, I do not belong in leadership or power.

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