Jan 2Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I was watching something on youtube last night, where they described how people used to work.

They'd show up to work at daybreak, then they'd eat a light meal, then they'd work for four hours and eat another light meal, they'd work another two hours, then take an afternoon break until the heat cooled, then they'd do a sprint for the last 3 hours.

Capitalists introduced the clock and paid churches to ring bells at 4am and 8pm. It was capitalists that forced people to work 8-6, with no breaks, no lunches, no snacks, and forced them to buy their own food to bring to work.

But you are right, the U.S. in not a free market. The government has dabbled too much in what can be bought and sold.

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Seems it was robber barons, feudal overlords by another name, not capitalists that pushed for such enslavement. In a free market, the robber barons would not have had the power to enforce the regulations. Only when they had been empowered as a protected class, did they get away with it.

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Jan 2Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

It was some Dutch Textile owner that started the clock at work thing.

A Canadian Socialist promoted it.

I'll see if I can find the link.


That's the one.

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Socialist , fascist, feudal lord, robber barons. As if there were a difference. Same power trip, same power structure, same centralized control. Crown, state, corporation, collective, they are all the same. Serf, slave, proletariat, all the same as well.

There is no difference between them.

It is the same dynamic. Dominance and submission, masters and slaves.

Free market capitalism is the revolt against that system of bdsm socio economic control.

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Thank you!

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You're absolutely right, there is not one nation in the Occident who is free, as they are all in some form feudalistic and stupidly so. I also don't think there's a single middle-eastern, or many other nations that are, such as China or Russia who are.

If I was to guess, I'd say that it seems that Mongolia is free in many ways even as that country is a minor tributary of China.

In Asia, I'm not familiar with all of them, but I'd wager the Philippines' aren't very free given how they are trapped between China & America's interests. What are your thoughts on Vietnam? They are socialistic but seem to be opening up if only to suck in all of the Western wealth and manufacturing. Japan has a weird fascist element where corporations dominate government but they both are determined that they must serve Japan and that all must be bent towards Japan's national interests. The people seem content with this, and resolved to ensure that they serve Japan.

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There are no , none, zero, free market economies on the planet. At least on the national level.

There may be some reclusive tribes in New Guinea, or Amazonia, but that would most likely be the extent.

Seems the neo feudalist fascist marxists are winning.

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I suppose, I think their model is destined for collapse soon.

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We are witnessing either the collapse or the undisguised return to feudalism.

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I'd argue the collapse, I don't think we'll return there. I refuse to despair, to despair is to give up, surrender and submit to those 'above us' it is what they want and why the have their propaganda and such. To submit is to prove ourselves unworthy heirs of those who resisted feudalism in the past.

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Who said a word about submit or despair?

Knowing what's up simply means,

Cry havoc, let slip the dogs of war.

Sharpen that axe, and that sword.

Time to paint the roses red and make the grass green and grow.

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Could not say it better myself, excellent quote there, you've the soul of a warrior and the tongue of a poet and talent of a hero.

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