Feb 18Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I have been trying to find my way to a more intimate relationship with God. I keep feeling like I am just fumbling and bumbling. Not really making the connection I need with God.

I believe your loving and wise words about your relationship with God. How you created that. It's a good spiritual path to follow. I will read your story often to keep me steady on my path.

It's been more than 2 years of pain and suffering for me. I'm a senior and have struggled with my health. Two major surgeries in 7 month and now facing other health conditions that can't be cured. I do know that GOD has looked over me during this time. I'm grateful for that. I just need more in terms of really listening to what he wants from me and then following his work.

God bless you for having your strong spirituality and sharing this important message. I saw this for a reason. Thanks so much.

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GOD bless and keep you in the palm of HIS hand.

In John, He said, "I call you not as servants but as Friends."

HE is your Friend.

Just talk to HIM.

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Feb 18Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Two questions that must come to any thinking person; sin and pain. We have to wrestle with them, it's who we are. They are connected. I was moved deeply this morning by Coleman's piece. Part of being made in the image of God is that moral question. No other animal suffers with it. I was trying to formulate some response that wasn't jargon.

Read the Book. Talk to God.

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Feb 18Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

You're just a guy who read a book who GETS its message. 🩷

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Thank you.

I ain't claiming deep understanding.

I have soooo many questions.

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Feb 18Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

As do we all. It's a book we can spend a lifetime getting to know and understand. But the essential message is so simple, and you articulated it so well.

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Thank you. Believe me, it is not my idea.

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Feb 18Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

i think you understand that i stand with you

i did not need to know how you got there

but i am glad to

there are people that read that book

and they become demons of vengence

- only idiots write past here

i propose that the part of you that read that book

and did not become a demon of vengence

that is the hand of the all

it is part of you

and it is a great danger to let your power

especially yours

pass through the hands of another

-i cant say that this is happening

but i have a fear of it


i do have many voices in my head

a book would just muddle things further

the voices do generally agree;


sevice to the self

has only the benifit

of practicing service

priror to inflicting on others


service to others being the only sane activity

of any denizen of this magnificent pallace

we serve others from a true deep healthy greed

once we let go

of the belief

in separation (flicker, flicker, never always, flicker)

service is like a beep breath of oxygen

it is no labor

it is not heroic

it is not selfless

it is just the bidding

that was there before delusion

it is the hidden secret

it is the graduation present

from stage one barbarism


ps you rock

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I do believe I started out a servant of rage and vengeance.

Enraptured with the Morrigna.


Something else cast that out and lit a candle in my darkest corners. It was not me.

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However it came to pass,

you have a nice glow

and you don't tangle with bullshit.


I get the not me part for sure.

Perhahaps we all must travel dark first.

I studied physics

until the world I had been led to believe in, dissapeared.


I studied myself until that dissapeard.

I studied my life until I was forced to admit i was making it suck.

Then i looked up.


And everything was there.

One people.

One planet.

One missision.


I can see where this goes without intervention.

And as long as I work to change our direction.

I am spared the graphic dreams of our demise.


Because i made zero progress

until i decide to fix the planet myself.

When I meet a person like you, I set part of this planet down.

And what i work toward becomes a little more possible.


So, though it is nice to meet you,

that does not begin to cover it.

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Feb 18Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

That is just too good. Well put.

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Thank You

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