May 17Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I cannot thank you enough for writing this I am hanging onto these words for the sake of my own life and all who would be affected if shit went sideways due to a poor choice. Thank you. Receiving this in my email was a literal GODsend

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They are not My words. I merely repeated GOD'S words.

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May 17Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I know. And I thank you for not holding them back.

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It depends whether people's choices are dictated by their minds or hearts, either way they are influenced by their vibrations and these effect their choices. "Being the change that we want to see in the world" is about Being the vibratory frequency of that change. The evil doers of this world would have us think that everything is simply reducible to thinking, to science, because this is the lowest possible vibratory frequency. Contrary to Descartes' claim that "I think therefore I Am," that we exist, or consciousness exists, solely as the product of our brains/minds, this is not the case unless we've been damned, or have damned ourselves to a barren life without love. Love is a frequency that if you are drawn to it you have no choice but to choose it, or you live in Hell. A hell of your own coming into vibratory accord with. It's not creation, it is destruction. Destruction is hate. Creation is love. Duality.

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Jeremiah 17:9

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

Hitler acted from his heart, as did Mao, Caligula, Nero.

It is the mind that chooses.

What is in the heart of a man?

Good as well as evil.

It is the mind of a man that chooses.

Evil exists because of the choices of humanity.

As does Love.

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Choice and vibration are mutually dependent.

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Choice and vibrations interact.

The spiritual, and the physical are reflections.

Quantum mechanics,

The Wave, ( vibration) exists as a probability, a possibility until it is measured-observed, chosen in other words. Once chosen the wave collapses, becomes real.


Things exist as ideas, probabilities, possibilities until chosen then they become manifest.

Choice, free will.

It is all about choices , what we choose is what we manifest.

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Love and hate are vibrations and we are drawn to that with which we are in closest resonance. Its not the same vibration as lust.

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Choices. Nothing more.

The vibrations are the consequences of the choices.

It doesn't matter what you are drawn to, it only matters what you choose.

You choose, you act, you manifest.

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