Jan 13Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Wonderful tribute to your father.

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Jan 13Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

A great legacy is one where you're truly missed after you're gone. It appears your dad left a wonderful legacy.

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That smile of his. It broke hearts, comforted the broken, and terrified the malicious.

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A note.

Dads smile, his natural baritone voice, and southern Gentleman manner tempered with a calm self assurance. Women would literally walk up to him.

Seen them just walk up and sit in his lap to say, hello.

Dad would very politely, gently set them back on their feet.

Later ,he would throw away pieces of paper with phone numbers. Never saw him even look at them. Just toss them.

Dad was Happily married and faithful. Integrity was not just a word.

I was sooo envious.

Lol. I had to jump around acting a fool with my guitar to even get noticed. Smh.

If Dad was around, even with my guitar and amp at eleven, no one noticed.

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