Pretty nice! Didn't make it to quantum but hung out in trig awhile! I like the idea of freq and measured (or not) sound. But it's capacity to alter things, yes--especially God speaking it! Nice post Donn!

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I’m an idiot and I know nothing…

However, having been on a spiritual path most of my life, one thing I can say for sure is OHMMMM….

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Crude, yes… but you’re on the right track !💎🪷💧🌞💨🌱🦋🫧🌳✨

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Finding the words that express the math is difficult.

I figured sound waves would be a passable poetic description.

Had the author of Genesis known quantum mechanics, how would he describe the order of events?

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How do you know its HIS and not HERS?

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His, Hers,

In terms of GOD are meaningless.

His is simply the linguistic term used.

Now in the Trinity, the feminine aspect is found in Ruach Ho Kodesh, the Holy Spirit. Which in Hebrew is a Feminine Gender.

In Genesis GOD, the Father Spoke.

The Holy Spirit is wind, or Breath, that Carries the Word, which is YESHUA.

Describing GOD is always an Allegory.

See Genesis 1, and John 1:1-5

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