Aug 30Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Not enthusiastic about peeing on someone's parade but "Nothing" also produces quite similar results in Epic style (and different in other styles). There seems to be some sort of default filler for each style. (exception: Paint which cycles through several different)

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Aug 25Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I’m glad you brought up time because I struggle with the concept. All time is happening at the same time? There is no now and later. Things I have done in the past are still happening? If this is true how do we have free will?

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First. Within our universe, is time.

Space-time. Time is linear but distorts , like space does due to gravity.

Outside of spacetime, outside of our universe, there is NO time.

From The perspective of someone on the outside looking in, that observer perceives ALL of spacetime, all at once.

To those within space-time, time, is as we know it.

Time, exists only within the context of our universe.

GOD, saw ALL of spacetime, ALL at once, when HE created it.

GOD exists in Heaven, Eternity, outside our reality. Eternity surrounds us, it flows within us and through us. It is found in the vacuum of empty space, that space between atomic and subatomic particles.

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Thank you dot the explanation. Makes perfect sense. After I read your reply I had a duh! moment.

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Ready for the mind blowing aspect?

Consider the doctrine of predestination.

Did GOD , create two groups, one that he predestined for salvation, and one that HE predestined for hell?

Scripture says, ( JOHN 3:16-17) that GOD desires that All would be saved.

Could it be that, GOD saw it all, from the beginning,

And, knew some would choose salvation by grace, and some would reject it.

Knowing, what will be, GOD gave us free will to choose, and desires that ALL would choose HIM, this giving us all the opportunity to choose HIM.

HE knew, from the beginning, all that would happen.

I believe, GOD desires us to choose HIM, " I call you not as servants, but as Friends"

GOD is love, love is a choice, a choice that must be freely made. HE did not create us to be servants, slaves, robots.

HE calls us to be HIS friends.

A friend, a brother, a sister, a child of GOD.

I do not believe GOD created anyone, with the intention of desire of damning them.

GOD is Holy, righteous, just, loving and merciful.

We, were created, in HIS image, with the freedom to choose.

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I love your perspectives.

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