Mar 17Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I’m outside enjoying a windy day in Pittsburgh. It’s not warm, not “cold” either. I need to stay off of my phone (like Coleman says in his latest rant).

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Mar 17Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I came up with that philosophy several years ago. God, Guns, Country, in that order.

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That's kind of my point!

The King of this world is busy doing it's thing.

As Christians, We should be about our Father's business. Serving Our King.

Guns at number 2 makes sense. I do seem to remember , We are supposed to depend upon GOD, not our strength.

That said. My axe is sharp lol.

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The Country part gets emphasized when certain malcontents starting moving their lips. The flag waving and saying Trump! is meant to annoy them.

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Personally, I have found that YESHUA upsets them more than Anything else....

They, rinos, libbies, demonkkkrats etc really really agree, they don't like Jesus.


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Yeah, but many of them are almost expecting you to say Jesus. Trump’s popularity in the short term almost makes them prefer that you talk about God or Jesus instead of Trump. Any other year or election cycle, it wouldn’t matter.

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I dunno, while of all the clowns currently running, I have to admit that it is Trump I would vote for.

That said,

The proggy s all completely come unhinged about Yeshua. Even more so than about Trump. A common theme the proggy focus on is that Christians support Trump. I honestly believe they fear Christianity more than Trump.

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They definitely fear God’s Judgment more than anything else, but the impression I get is that some of them are really obsessed with Trump.

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But the Left coined the term. Us Christians and pro military, pro police just want current (pre Obama and actually pre Clinton) laws to be enforced. That’s all we really want, and have always wanted.

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You are missing the point entirely.

As a Christian, What Kingdom do you belong to?

Are you an American first, or a Christian first?

One primary reason fascists, kings, and Communists dislike Christians is because the know a Christian belongs to GOD'S kingdom first and foremost.

All I can say is, read your Bible, Talk to GOD.

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Such people wouldn’t be saying this as much if democrats and RINOs would allow us to do things like control the border, vet immigrants, fight wars the way they should be fought, own more guns not less, not ban DDT (an underrated issue, IMO), etc.

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I am addressing both ,

Left, and right.

As for the leftists,

Facts mean nothing.

For the right, facts mean nothing either. Factions care only for their agenda not facts.

Then , those that try and wrap their agenda in both Flag and Bible,

Left or right,

Merely demonstrate that they are at best morons.

If they are aware of their actions, then it is intentional evil.

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