Very well said…and I am passing this on to every veteran I know…which is many!!
I agree with the embarrassment part…my ex is a vet and would always get embarrassed when thanked…so I now instead, will catch a soldier’s eye and give them a huge smile and a nod…I’ve always received the same in return!!
Despite the lurch toward group-think, the experience of any soldier is as individual as the person him/herself. Listen to Dylan's "Masters Of War," or Black Sabbath's "War Pigs," or, Donovan's "Universal Soldier." Whether we "pray" or not, it takes the most sober moment to fully drink in the reality that eventually "we" (the self) are gone and the insanity will continue with the shifting cast of characters ad infinitum. All we can do is act in our role and try and find brief moments with kindred spirits. The skill is recognizing when we are in each other's presence and accept that it might be all we ever get. Most don't ever get a nanosecond of clarity. Hello.
Thank you. Right before I saw this, I was in a long conversation with someone about veterans and combat PTSD and war itself. I thought of my friends who have been to war, and one in particular. I went outside to pray. Toward the end of the prayer, I thought of you, and I was grateful for something you said to me a few days ago. Then I saw this. To say it is bittersweet is likely an understatement, but never did I think about what this poem emphasizes, the ignorance of the people = your job is done. their complete lack of understanding and reverence for the experience and sacrifice and absolute hell of the soldier = your job is done, because they dont HAVE to know what that level of hell looks and feels like, let alone having to develop the ability to navigate it. I have no love for the military AS an industry, I have no love for war either, but I have a deep love for the soldiers and veterans, for so many reasons. too many to put here. I only wish I knew how to relieve the level of suffering they endure when they return to this artificial ignorant "on airplane mode" hedonistic thing we call "society". Having to live with that type of contrast and to be expected to just "snap out of it" and re-assimilate is absolutely insane. I don't know how we bridge this, or how we bring healing. So, until I receive some message on how to be of service, I will continue to pray, because I know there is One who can do this. So that is who I will keep praying to and asking to help. What you've done here with your poetry is a service and so beautiful and I am so honored I get to read your works. Thank you for being here, and thank you for being who you are. I mean that 1000%.
i think that comes naturally (for some of us at least - easy, no, but it either is or isnt i suppose). point i was making was, you can love a person unconditionally and always have their back - it aint enough to save anybody from that which tortures them. and the same is true for me as well. no human has been able to fix or save me from the things ive struggled most with. but it can make a difference between life and death and ones recovery if they have a genuine friend or two, versus no one.
Very well said…and I am passing this on to every veteran I know…which is many!!
I agree with the embarrassment part…my ex is a vet and would always get embarrassed when thanked…so I now instead, will catch a soldier’s eye and give them a huge smile and a nod…I’ve always received the same in return!!
Despite the lurch toward group-think, the experience of any soldier is as individual as the person him/herself. Listen to Dylan's "Masters Of War," or Black Sabbath's "War Pigs," or, Donovan's "Universal Soldier." Whether we "pray" or not, it takes the most sober moment to fully drink in the reality that eventually "we" (the self) are gone and the insanity will continue with the shifting cast of characters ad infinitum. All we can do is act in our role and try and find brief moments with kindred spirits. The skill is recognizing when we are in each other's presence and accept that it might be all we ever get. Most don't ever get a nanosecond of clarity. Hello.
Wow this is something I can say I am happy I read this. Cheers
Thank you. Right before I saw this, I was in a long conversation with someone about veterans and combat PTSD and war itself. I thought of my friends who have been to war, and one in particular. I went outside to pray. Toward the end of the prayer, I thought of you, and I was grateful for something you said to me a few days ago. Then I saw this. To say it is bittersweet is likely an understatement, but never did I think about what this poem emphasizes, the ignorance of the people = your job is done. their complete lack of understanding and reverence for the experience and sacrifice and absolute hell of the soldier = your job is done, because they dont HAVE to know what that level of hell looks and feels like, let alone having to develop the ability to navigate it. I have no love for the military AS an industry, I have no love for war either, but I have a deep love for the soldiers and veterans, for so many reasons. too many to put here. I only wish I knew how to relieve the level of suffering they endure when they return to this artificial ignorant "on airplane mode" hedonistic thing we call "society". Having to live with that type of contrast and to be expected to just "snap out of it" and re-assimilate is absolutely insane. I don't know how we bridge this, or how we bring healing. So, until I receive some message on how to be of service, I will continue to pray, because I know there is One who can do this. So that is who I will keep praying to and asking to help. What you've done here with your poetry is a service and so beautiful and I am so honored I get to read your works. Thank you for being here, and thank you for being who you are. I mean that 1000%.
It's really easy.
Just be a friend.
Live the best life you can, and be a friend.
A weird thing many don't understand is that, " Thank you for your service"
Is , by many, myself included, embarrassing.
We don't want special recognition, we simply want to be treated as, friends.
If only that were enough in some cases - but yes that would go without saying 🩵
It is no easy task, to choose to be a true friend.
i think that comes naturally (for some of us at least - easy, no, but it either is or isnt i suppose). point i was making was, you can love a person unconditionally and always have their back - it aint enough to save anybody from that which tortures them. and the same is true for me as well. no human has been able to fix or save me from the things ive struggled most with. but it can make a difference between life and death and ones recovery if they have a genuine friend or two, versus no one.
Exactly!!!! As for the actuality of Healing soul wounds, there really is only One Answer. As I believe you are learning.
Thank you..I am a patriot through and through..