Aug 28Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Very good point, comme toujours you hit the nail on the head Donn. Dan and I have been discussing this exact point for some time now, and have reached the conclusion that all the different sides of Liberalism stand in opposition of Christianity and it is only by turning away from it, that we can arrive at God.

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Consider also,

Conservatives, exactly what are they conserving?

Sadducees and Pharisees, liberals and conservatives, both rejected Messiah, both persecuted Believers.

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Aug 28Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Agreed, which is why I’m not a conservative or a liberal, both seem to be the same to me, like you said.

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So the Masons had people on both sides of the Mason vs anti Mason party and the whole thing was to drive two party control. As it makes the government stronger and more authority. If factions begin to split votes then all the money will be spread too thin for them.

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