Mar 12·edited Mar 12Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

The latest fiction appears to be construction of the Israel as a White Settler Colonial project. Setting aside the historical homeland argument, basic demography would tend to argue otherwise. What about Druze Israelis and other Arab Israelis, comprising over 20% of the population? Half of Jewish Israelis are of Sephardic/Mizrahi origin. That leaves the roughly 40% of the population who self-identify as Ashkenazi, yet of these, over 50% are at least 50% Sephardic/Mizrahi- in other words, biracial. The idea that Israel is White or European is a weaponized fiction created for the gullible and ignorant.

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So much YES!!!

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Mar 13Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

True, and only 15% of Israelis support Netanyahu at all. So don’t equate Israel with the far-right Kahanist government is always what I have to say. Israel has political problems and lots of things to criticize but it’s not a colonial state, so Israel’s right to exist isn’t one of them unless you’re an anarchist and you criticize all states, that’s not Antisemitic even if I disagree with you.

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Legit criticism is needed across the board.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

Great feedback. I completely agree. It's perfectly legit to criticise the political masters of the war, potentially the objective (if it is, indeed, to force Gazans into no other choice than to move), and even the ground level prosecution of the war. What is not acceptable is the proposition that Israel is not a legitimate and permanent state.

And the Muslims should know this themselves- in the Koran, Mohammed explicitly states that the Holy Land was gifted to the followers of Moses, although the more pedantic and unscrupulous legalistic scholars of dubious character and credentials might argue whether the gift was in perpetuity.

The only thing that makes one whit of sense in relation to Israel and Palestine is to force to kids into penpal relationships and playing sports against each other. Nothing else will work. Only in successive generations, bereft of prejudice and inculcated hate, is there any chance of redemption.

Man is a mutable beast. He can become both an angel and a demon within a single lifetime, a sinner and a saint. But sometimes the indomitable will of history, nurtured grievance and circumstance will win out, and men can be only demons.

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Mar 12Liked by Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist

I love most of what you said here. But, I have a bit of pushback on one idea, which you may be able to enlighten me on.

One of your statements about the Jewish people, that they have managed to “Dominate, control and enslave all of the Earth.” I am not really seeing that, even with hyperbole.

Yes the Country/Nation of Israel is impressive in many ways. And yes, there are a great many very successful Jewish individuals, and even many that have achieved great power and wealth. But, this still does not rise to the level of the afore mentioned statement of yours.

Was this just a kind of semi-poetic extreme hyperbole that I should have understood?

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There's this conspiracy lie.

That Jews secretly control all banks, governments, pharmaceutical companies, corporations, entertainment.

That Jews secretly rule the world and somehow force everyone to be their slave.

I wish the hyperbole was mine.

Sadly it is what most of the anti semitic Jew haters believe.

I took that idea and applied their own corrupted, misunderstood Nietzsche pastiche to the theory.

Thus in their hatred of Jews, and in their propaganda, the Aryan super race, proves that , first they Are Not The "Master" race and that, Jews, are, by their criteria the "master " race. All while they proclaim Jews are subhuman and they are Supermen.

Mel Brooks could not have wrote a more outrageous and hilarious script.

The entire idea is patently delusional, false, and eminently ludicrous.

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There are many people in this space who I find reasonable and insightful on most issues, who then become completely deranged lunatics when the subjects of Jews and Israel come up.

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I've never understand it either. I've been thumping on that drum since Oct and it is so easy to pin them when they start their crap too. I'm like if you wanna FAFO with God's people go ahead but I feel sorry for you. I read a really repulsive revionist history article re fascist regimes that was trying to pretend state centralized banking was good. Pretty sure it wasn't satire as this person went in on stats and I was like meh. Not going to do this to myself today. With an attitude like that the regime will get you.

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