Why subscribe?

Why? Why ask why when how is so much fun ?

The benefits are,

distraction, thoughts, poetry, prophetic meandering analysis of whatever strikes my fancy.

Chaos, insight,

Fascinating observation of fascinating fascinations.

Reverent irreverent relevance.



Short stories,

Fiction: No not news, real fiction; High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Hard Science Fiction, Horror and Humor.

Random socio political commentary.

Random Rants,

No sacred cows,

BBQ is a blessing!

Not vegan friendly.

In other words, I will slaughter the sacred cow, sacrifice it to Arioch and have a BBQ and not invite you. Though I will likely do so on your doorstep.

Note, Michael Moorcock has a standing invitation, as does John Ringo, and whom ever the repressive regressive neo fascists currently hate as well.

Extremely Bacon friendly.

Not vegan friendly

Bacon is sacred.

Coffee fueled insanity.

Occasional bouts of sanity. Which are usually rapidly suppressed.

Plenty of questions.

Usually intentionally offensive

Occasionally unintentionally offensive, in which case please inform me the who what where when why and how as I will likely want do it again.

Always be polite,

Until it is time to not be polite.

Speak softly, carry a tomahawk.


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Mad Poet, Apocaloptimist, Musician, crazed, bemused and easily amused , conundrums befuddled, mysteries obscured. I am likely the strangest person you will have the entertainment to know. Truth is chaos to the order of delusion.