Our climate is not a closed system.
Our climate is a dynamic system.
Dynamic, because things out side of our atmosphere affect things in our atmosphere. Energy from the Sun, adds to the energy here on earth.
Recent weather events reflect this.
For example,
September solar activity.
October solar activity
Take a look for your self.
I challenge you to look at the data.
Now compare with the Tropical storm data.
Earth quake and volcanic activity data.
It is a known fact that Solar Storms and Coronal mass ejections correspond to an increase in Earthquake and Volcanic activity.
The same is true of Weather activity.
Why is it these facts are ignored in all of the conspiracy theories flying around?
Psyops are about fear, distraction and misdirection.
When people chase false rumors the people are blind to what is actually happening.
While we chase HAARP rumours, and weather control rumours, the actual purpose of the high energy radar array is ignored.
A note on high energy microwave interaction with air.
Yes, under laboratory conditions in small scale, closely controlled and contained conditions, focused microwaves do induce reactions in gas. Ie air. However the amount of energy required to cause heating and circular motion is enormous.
Attempting to create the same sort of effects in the real world dynamic system of earths atmosphere would be nearly impossible for three simple reasons.
First the amount of energy (power) required would be literally astronomical. Far beyond our ability to produce with any current technology.
Second, microwaves must travel through the atmosphere.
In order to create a change at a particular point, the microwaves would cause dramatic effects between the source and the targeted region. Yes, the atmosphere would heat up between the source and the target. Other changes such as ionization would be observed.
Third, microwaves will continue along their path beyond the targeted point.
Consider the background radiation detected everywhere in the observable universe.
Microwaves are radio waves.
Consider that fact.
Consider the amount of human created radio waves present in our world. Television broadcasts, radio broadcasts, cellphones, and radio communications. If the sum total of all of that were magnified a thousand times, it could not equal the power levels required to change weather, let alone create and direct storms.
And now, the potentially insidious aspects of the side effects of the HAARP array.
Recent events in Havana Cuba, along with cases in Moscow Russia of U.S. personnel being subjected to focused microwaves broadcasts that caused brain damage.
Microwave radiation can literally cook brains.
Simply look at your microwave oven for example. Those effects require focussed directed fields within a closed environment.
The Human brain emits long band radio waves. Microwaves are high energy short waves.
A microwave emission in a harmonic frequency of Human brain waves can cause changes, interfere, with the Human brain.
Emotional changes, memory, potentially every function in the brain.
This fact is indisputable.
Why are we not publicly discussing that?
While weather boojums are pursued the actual aspects are ignored. No I am not claiming HAARP is a mind control device.
What I am stating emphatically is that while being focused on HAARP conspiracy theories, the real experiments and weaponization of microwave technologies are being ignored. Aspects that have been reported in the mainstream and generally ignored or misunderstood.
This much like the Air Force use of UFO conspiracy theories to disguise actual secret aircraft and aerospace development programs.
We waste energy, time and attention on illusions.
We also play into the distraction, creating more confusion.
Consider also,
Chasing weather control rumors distracts people from the fact that Solar activity has far more impact on climate change than all of human actions by orders of magnitude.
Chasing the conspiracy distracts people from seeing the clear evidence of the “climate change” is caused by Humans is a lie. Climate is a dynamic system, Solar activity adds orders of magnitude energy and impact higher than human activity. This is not to deny that Human activity causes localized changes and impacts! Climate change is a fact and occurred long before humans were here. Ask Dinosaurs!
Here's a real question.
If the big weather control conspiracies were true, then why hasn't the “leaks” caused arrests and charges for the “leakers”.
Consider what happened to Assange and Snowden for actually revealing secret information.
If the big conspiracies were true, the system would not tolerate dissemination of those secrets.
The fact that these so called “secrets” are openly shared and discussed without the various security agencies and intelligence agencies interfering, and arresting people for distribution of classified materials reveals that the “secrets” are not in fact secrets.
The fact is, the intelligence agencies love conspiracy rumours.
Remember, the CIA invented the term “Conspiracy theory” for the direct purpose of creating false narratives, distraction, and confusion.
All of that to say,
What is happening right in front of us that they don't want you to know about or interfere with?
Just think it through.
I am not denying that shady, corrupt, illegal, immoral actions have occurred and are occurring. History reveals the things done “ in the dark” time and again.
What I am pointing out is, it's happening right in front of us but people are not paying attention.
Instead people are busy chasing boojums.
Excellent article…I commend you.
The seeming irresistable Human urge to pursue ‘Wild-assed Conspiracy Theories’ is obvious, but as you note, WHOLLY unproductive.
The ‘HAARP-ologist’ are the ones who really mystify me. The ENERGY required to materially affect Terrestrial Weather is simply of a magnitude which most non-mathematically inclined people seem to be unable to grasp…as you also note.
For context here, consider…
A Disk oriented perpendicularly to the Sun, of a diameter equalling the Earth…at the SAME DISTANCE frim the Sun, would absorb roughly 120+ Quadrillion Watts of power continuously.
Contrast THAT with the entirety of ALL Energy evolved from ALL Human activities…roughly somewhat less than 4 Quadrillion WATTS.
C’mon Folks…let’s start taking REALITY into consideration.
FWIW, BS’s - separate! - in Mathematics AND Physics, an MS in Nuclear Engineering.
So…yeah, I ‘kinda’ do know a bit…
Be Well, SAFE and Blessed…
Are you suggesting the Sun warms the earth?!?