There will be bonus tracks added very soon!
Completely different versions of all six songs.
Dance Of The Damned
This began my Vampire Fae novel.
Wrote the original lyric for my first wife.
Yes ,the redhead is based on her.
Yes used AI, to base it on her pic.
This is a true life story.
Falling in love , can be an addictive madness.
John Herseys book Hiroshima, was a gift from my Dad when I was ten.
That and Johnny Got His Gun,
His response when I told him I wanted to be like him.
Hiroshima, changed my life.
Talking to my great aunt Aikiko, who was there,
Inspired this one.
This was , my farewell letter to my first wife. Signed the divorce papers she had left for me, left this poem on her pillow.
I never saw her or spoke to her again.
The shortest verse in the Bible, “ JESUS WEPT”
Thank you for checking it out.
If Anything spoke to you,
Let me know!
The point of music and poetry is to pierce the heart, engage the mind, and comfort the soul.
The whole reason to Rock-N-Roll.
GOD bless and Keep You!
I'm blown away right now -- dude put the widget with your songs at the TOP OF THIS POST so people see it right away, I just bought all of them on Bandcamp 🔥
wait hold up is that you singing??? wtf?? how did i not know you made MUSIC!?